Feral cats

Its weird how important my feral cats have become to me.   I can’t get hardly anything else together in my life.  But no matter how drunk or stoned I get  I always get it together to feed my four feral cats.  One batch of food for the night crew and another batch of food for the morning crew.

When I hit my campsight at night a couple of them are always waiting for me in the dark at the foot of the trail that leads to my camp.   They’re always a welcome sight.  Because cats mean that there are no humans lurking in the dark woods.  They are like security guards.  And in the morning, if I’m laying around doing something stupid like scratching my ass or pissing in my piss jar, if the cats are there I don’t have to worry about anybody catching me in the act.  Because if another human intrudes on my campsight the cats will spot him long before me.  They go running up the hill like they were shot out of a cannon.  So that alerts me before any humans get within eye-sight.   Those cats can make themselves invisible so quick.  You could be walking around in those woods for years and never catch sight of those feral cats.  Never even know they were there. Its like they have the ability to disappear and appear.  Like magic.  Those cats will not let you see them unless they want you to see them.

Which is why I feel honored that they let me bask in their presence.  I’m the only human being that they trust.

When the cats are laying around my campsight I can relax because I have some much-needed privacy (a hard commodity to score when you’re on the streets). Its like being in a magical realm.  This secret, private world that only me and my four goddam feral cats inhabit.

The weirdest thing is how they’re always waiting for me every night at the foot of the trail.  Usually, I’ll stagger up there around midnight and they’re always there.  But the other night I came up a little early around 11:30 and they weren’t there.  Its like they know exactly what time I’ll be arriving.  Like they’ve been studying me and my habits.  Which they do.  They’re an incredibly intelligent creature capable of adapting to the movements of humans like no other animal, with the possible exception of dogs.  But what I was wondering was:  How do they do it?  Do they have little kitty cat wrist watches where they can see: “Well, its only 11:30. That guy that brings us the food won’t be showing up for another half hour so we can goof off for a little longer until we have to meet him at the foot of the trail and do our purring, meowing, kitty cat thing.”

I’ll give you another example of the weird shit cats do.   My friend Linda Aton, the painter, lived in an apartment and she had a cat.  Whenever Linda left the apartment the cat would always be waiting to greet her at the front door when she came back.  Linda always figured the cat heard her footsteps  when she was walking down the hall and rushed to the door.  But one day I was hanging around in Linda’s aprartment for a couple hours while Linda was off doing chores.  Suddenly the cat bolts for the door.  Within 2 or 3 minutes Linda shows up.  The question:  How did the cat know Linda was going to show up 2 or 3 minutes before the rest of us?  Cats are psychic like that.  They’re a weird animal.

When I’m walking up the trail at night — in the pitch dark — I have to be careful not to step on them.  They’re darting in between my feet.  They’re rubbing against my ankles.  They’re all excited.  They know they’re about to be fed.

Then I go through this big drama when I’m trying to open the cans of cat food.  I have this crappy can-opener.  And I’m usually drunk and stoned.  And its pitch dark.  And I’m trying to open the goddam can of tuna fish.  In the pitch dark.   Which can defy the laws of physics (you’ve got to line up the goddam can of tuna fish with the can-opener exactly the right way or else it just doesn’t work).  And I’ll sometimes be flailing away for 20 minutes until I  line it up right.  Meanwhile, the cats are going wild. If I get the can even partially open they all jump on top of it and start licking the tuna fish juice that is leaking out of the half-opened can.  Which doesn’t help matters.  And then sometimes I just give up on the can-opener and pry the half-opened can open with my bare hands, often causing blood to pour out of my fingers (those half-opened cans can be sharp!).  And then finally I start dumping the tuna into the cat dishes. By this time the cats are in a frenzy and they’re jumping right into the cat dishes and I’m dumping the tuna on their heads.    Further complicating matters, one cat may be fueding with another cat.  So I have to put the one cat dish here and the other cat dish over there so they can eat in peace.  Its unbelievable.  They’re like little children.  And maybe thats the appeal.  They’re my kids.

And then in the morning I feed them again.  Usually around dawn when its just starting to get light.  But some mornings I’m too hung-over so I lay around in my sleeping bag like a bump on the log for a couple of hours.  The cats register their displeasure at my proscrastination r.e. their feeding schedule by jumping on my chest and sort of jabbing at my face with their claws.  Usually (but not always) they don’t break blood.  They just sort of give me a little sting with their claws, a little love tap.  That says:  “Hey, we might be cute little 10 pound blobs of fur but we can do some damage.  Get up and feed us before we slash the shit of your face with our claws.”  They’re lovable creatures, them kitty cats.  Eager to get my attention.  And it is a fact that nature has equipted them with 10 switchblades on their hands.  So at that point I usually get up and feeds the little rug-rats.



  • My feral cats are too much.  For years I’ve been feeding them a diet of pretty much 100% meat.  Cans of tuna.  Cans of chunk chicken.  Cans of ham.  Or leftover restaurant food like steak burritos, and baloney and cheese sandwiches, and shrimp tortellini in rich cheese sauces.   Human food.   My cats probably eat better than 90% of the humans on the planet, no exaggeration (“As well they should,” says my friend Richard Plop).

But the other day I was at Safeway and noticed a real good deal on cat food.  Big 22 ounce cans for $1.40.  So I bought a bunch and fed them to my cats. Or tried to.  My white feral cat Blondie took one whiff of that cat food and turned her nose up.  Wouldn’t eat it.   Then she proceeded to sit 5 feet away from me and stared at me non-stop for two hours. Its like she was saying: “Geeziz!  Whats up with this cat food shit.  Get up and get me some real food, dude!  Now!!”  I’d drift asleep in my sleeping bag for a half hour and wake up and there she was still staring at me.  It was like she was trying to hypnotize me into doing her bidding.  I guess it worked.  I got up and scrounged around in a few garbage cans until I found an untouched bacon and egg on english muffin sandwich.  Exactly what she loves to eat.  I trooped back to my campsight and dumped the food in her cat dish.  Blondie gave me a look like: “Harumph!! Well its about time, asshole!”  And proceeded to chow down.

Those cats are too much.

“Don’t forget, dude, tomorrow is National Feral Cat Day!”



“Acid Christ:” a book review

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Acid Christ: Ken Kesey, LSD, and the Politics of Ecstasy

I stumbled a cross a copy of  “Acid Christ”  by Mark Christensen at the Berkelely Public Library of all places.  It’s the new bio of Ken Kesey and its a great read.  I read the whole thing from cover-to-cover in two days.  I’d seen the thing on the internet but I wasn’t that interested because I figured it would just be more Ken Kesy hagiography.  So I was happy to see Mark Christensen delivered a sharp and well-rounded portrait.  The title and the cover photo says it all (that LOOK on Kesey’s face!).  And Christensen makes a lot of subtle and powerful points about Kesey and  the ’60s  counterculture in a sly way.  His protrait of Timothy Leary was dead-on  —  as well as hilarious  —  this con-man hustler who would say ANYTHING if it was in his self-interests.

The most perceptive lines were from Jeannie and Sara, two sort of young street hippie chicks who crossed Kesey’s path in the late ’60s..   “I could never get over the ego,” said Jeannie.  They no doubt saw Kesey from the perspective of all the vulnerable teenagers who Kesey preyed on:  “Who died and appointed you God?” and “You can’t go around arbitrarily drugging people up because you’re responsible for their consciousness.  The people who got stuck in the city with no way to get away, some of those people never fuckin’ came back.” Kesey used to get a big kick out of dosing people on LSD when they weren’t aware of it.  Groovy.

I’ve lived on the street scene for nearly 40 years with many of the people who’s minds Kesey helped to “blow.”  You wonder if Kesey ever considered that once a mind is “blown” its blown in more ways than one.

The Merry Pranksters talked about their m.o. of “hitting a town, messing it up, and then leaving before anyone knew what hit them.”  I wonder if Kesey ever considered all the messed up communities like the Haight-Ashbury that he left in his wake while he was sitting on his quiet, peaceful farm.   I doubt it.

Kesey claims he’s never known anyone who was “harmed” by LSD.  I guess he never heard of all those kids in the Manson Family,  to give but one obvious example.

Kesey innocently wonders;  “Why oh why are people so scared of LSD?”  Even if LSD was harmlesss (which it isn’t), Christensen deftly points out with his running personal history of to-drug-or-not-to-drug:  Once you open up that Pandora’s Box you’re in trouble.  “LSD?  THC?  STP?  PCP?  Whats the difference.  Angel Dust sounds cool!”

I can understand why Kesey didn’t like Christensen when they had a brief encounter in 1976 (first Kesey physically threatens him, then challenges him to an arm-wrestling match which ends in a tie causing a pissed off Kesey to lash out at Christensen as a nobody (as compared to the Great Man Ken Kesey)).  Kesey probably had the psychic intuition to know that Christensen was seeing him clearly and would perhaps write about the real Ken Kesey some day.

Myself?  As far as I’m concerned Ken Kesey has only one claim to fame:  As the popularizer of public drug parties in America (and no, he doesn’t get a standing “O” from me in this quarter).  I always found most of his writing dull (7 million readers might disagree with me but too bad for them).  I tried to read “Cukoo” (aptly named) a few times, couldn’t wade through it.  The story of a hip, cool, charismatic rebel (how’s THAT for a cliche for our times) who gets lobotimized.  I suppose that could describe the arc of Kesey life in a nut-shell (and I mean “nut” shell).  The only piece Kesey ever wrote that I liked was the John Lennon obit in Rolling Stone.

I wrote an acid book myself.   I think I described Kesey as “one of the stupidest people to come out of the ’60s (there was a lot of competition).” At any rate, congrats to Mark Christensen on a great book.  I’m sure he worked like a dog on the thing.  Id’ be curious what kind of recation he got from all the Kesey-oids.

Men and Women explained

I’ve long maintained the only real difference between men and women is that women always notice what kind of shoes we’re wearing.  Men never notice that stuff but women always notice our shoes.  If you don’t think so, just ask your girlfriend about some people you met at a party recently.  She’ll say something like:   “Oh yeah, you’re talking about that guy who was wearing those brown suede boots with the half inch heels.  And he was with that woman who was wearing the red pumps with the black fringe.”

Women can sum us up instantly just by looking at the shoes we’re wearing.  Its like some secret code the women have going.  Just by looking at our shoes they can tell how much money we have in our pocket, how large our penis is, and what we probably had for lunch.  Its uncanny.  They can instantly peg us.  Its no wonder women rule the world. Its no wonder women are always one step ahead of us.  Its like we’re walking around with our flies open, totally revealed.

Whereas men only notice the size of the women’s breasts.   Which immediately hypnotizes us, clouds our minds and our judgment, and turns us into lambs being led to slaughter.  While we’re busy watching sports, the women are busy studying us.  They’ve got us completely figured out.

Our only hope, men, is if we can crack the shoe code.  And learn to camoflauge our shoes.  Otherwise we’re completely doomed.